Category: Events

SEPYE Silver Badge partner organisation certificate 2022

Last Wednesday an event was organised in Badajoz, in the Edificio Metálico of the UNEX, which brought together companies, institutions and freelancers and at which the UNImpulso awards were presented to recognise the work of the companies that collaborate with the SEPYE for the incorporation of university graduates into the world of work.

The Clúster del Turismo de Extremadura received the SILVER insignia for its first steps in this programme with the incorporation of 2 workers under the umbrella of the PIT (Innovation and Talent Programme) and a worker in the PIRT programme (Programme for Internationalisation and Return of Talent).

We will continue to move forward and collaborate in this proposal that allows young people to enter the world of work with a significant benefit for employers.

Registration open for the Tourism Innovation Summit 2022

From the Clúster de Turismo de Extremadura we offer our partners the opportunity to participate in the TIS that will take place in Seville from 2 to 4 November. Discover the new trends in tourism innovation, its challenges and solutions. For more information visit their website:, if you want to participate in the TIS, please contact us.

Clúster del Turismo unveils its projects at the presentation event of the II Tourism Plan for Extremadura

The II Tourism Plan of Extremadura was presented in Cáceres, where the president of the Cluster, María José García Curto, explained in her speech the innovation projects currently being worked on, these being CulTurData, Tourism 4.0 and Cáceres. Artificial Intelligence Applied to Heritage.