Interview after the completion of the Hotel Alcántara project in CulTourData

Final impressions of Hotel Alcántara after its experience in the CulTourData project

Following the successful conclusion of the CulTourData project, we had the privilege of interviewing Basilio Domínguez, director of Hotel Alcántara, to gather his final impressions. Our main focus was to delve into the essence of their project and understand the reasons that motivated them to participate in this innovative initiative.


The project focused on enhancing the training of managerial staff in formulating digital marketing and market strategies, with special attention to improving communication with customers and implementing a new business unit within the establishment.


The marketing strategy was geared towards tracking customers on social media to optimize reservation management and enhance the restaurant experience, with the introduction of tools such as immersive experiences, QR codes for interactive menus, and video marketing strategies.


These elements form a comprehensive vision that Hotel Alcántara is adopting to excel in the competitive tourism and hospitality sector.

Interview with Hotel Alcántara