Category: Newsletters

5th Newsletter of Dancing Histor(y)ies


After the Italian preview in May, the Dancing Histor(y)ies Festivals of Ostia Antica, Viminacium, Mérida and Tharros have taken place in the last two months promoting the concepts behind the project and involving the public and the population of the fascinating locations that hosted them. Now, we just have to go through the news shared by our local partners of this exciting summer dedicated to Dance and European cultural heritage.

June 24/26 – Viminacium Arheološki park/Archaeological park

The Institute of Archaeology in Viminacium is the organizing partner of the first international contemporary dance festival for Dancing Histor(y)ies, which, under the title of ReMOVING Borders, was held from 24 to 26 June at the Archaeological Park in Viminacium. For the first time in this evocative setting, an event took place presenting a rich program of daytime and evening meetings dedicated to dance, curated by expert representatives of the world of contemporary dance, art and archaeology of Viminacium, involving the local communities of Kostolac and Požarevac. Three dance companies staged their productions: 420People, Derida Dance Center and ilDance.

All the details at the link:

July 05/07 – Festival de Teatro Clásico de Mérida

For this 70th edition, the Festival Internacional de Teatro Clasico de Mérida has staged a series of activities in line with the project values and concepts. At the same time, it has promoted several archaeological spaces in town that during the shows have involved the community and promoted the potential of using the city’s cultural heritage. “Diálogo” is the word that defines Dancing Histor(y)ies, the dialogue between the performing arts and cultural heritage, the dialogue between institutions and different countries. Proof is the fact that culture is a key to open doors to cross borders and establish collaborations. The artistic partners who presented their shows were ilDance, with a staging at the Roman Forum ‘Un día seremos estatuas’, and the group 420PEOPLE, with “Ícaro” at the Templo de Diana.

All the details at the link:

July 12/14 – Tharros Archaeological Park

 The rhythm of international dance beats strongly in the ancient heart of Sardinia thanks to Dancing Histor(y)ies, which chose the wonderful archaeological area of Tharros. Six international dance groups took to the stage: ilDance, Polish Dance Theatre, Derida Dance Center, as well as Mvula Sungani Physical Dance and a co-production that saw the E-Motion Group, ASMED Balletto di Sardegna and Compagnia Danza Esttemporada together. The groups danced on History, recovering ancient and new narratives starting from the life of those communities that, precisely in territories so rich in memory, have chosen to reside, articulating their present.

The Off Festival calendar of events is also original, with a rich series of collateral activities aimed at actively promoting historical heritage: the Laboratory/scenic game/animation “Dance on your wave” dedicated in particular to children and young people and inspired by waves; the workshop entitled “The story in reverse” in which dancers, choreographers and musicians met local communities; the Talk “Sguardi su Tharros” (A glance on Tharros) with the artists who spoke about their encounter with the site of Tharros.

All the details at the link:

Keep following us! See you in September for more news to come!

Don’t’ forget to subscribe to DH’s official newsletter by filling out the form at website

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 we hereby inform you that your personal data are part of a specific database for the collection and management of personal data within the project Dancing Histor(y)ies (from here onwards referred to as the “Project”) whose Joint Data Controller is Associazione Enti locali per le attività culturali e di spettacolo, with headquarters in Via Pasquale Paoli n.25 – 09128 Cagliari, VAT number: 01859050922 together with the other Joint Data Controllers defined by the GDPR agreement signed within the Dancing Histor(y)ies consortium.
The Joint Data Controllers may process the personal data collected for the period necessary to fulfil the obligations established in the Partnership agreement concluded between the Joint Data Controllers and other project partners and/or in the Grant agreement concluded between the Joint Data Controllers and other project partners and the European Commission.
Interested parties can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) by sending an email to: to have a complete view of the GDPR or to exercise each of the following rights: access to their personal data; obtain a copy of the personal data; correct personal data; delete your data; limit processing; request data portability; exercise the right of objection; file a complaint.

4th Newsletter of Dancing Histor(y)ies


The next round of workshops for Dance Companies is just around the corner in Viminacium (SB), Merida (ES), Volos (GR), Ostia (IT) for its first round and Tharros (IT).

In all the involved communities the workshop is addressed to a wide spectrum of people: elder people, young people, people with disabilities, meaning any range of the active population in the communities.

Particularly, there is a strong interest for young people having previous knowledge on dance and theatre, as an opportunity for new learning experience on dancing techniques and acting approaches and above all, to promote the interaction between the dance companies, students and local professionals, in order to learn and understand needs and concerns of each other.

Together with a planned visit to archaeological spaces so that visitors can make progresses structuring their performing approach during Dancing Histor(y)ies Festival. Video diaries and communication materials to be collected in order to share this emotional experience among project partners.

DH Festivals press conference presentation – Rome

Dancing Histor(y)ies Festivals are about to start, and we have proudly announced the calendar during a general press conference held in Rome on May 23rd.

Complete Schedule of the Dancing Histor(y)ies Festival

  • 25 May–25/27 July: Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica
  • 24/26 June: Viminacium Arheološki park/Archaeological park
  • 05/07 July: Festival de Teatro Clásico de Mérida
  • 12/14 July: Tharros Area Archeologica
  • 06/09 September: Volos

This press conference has also seen a detailed presentation of the first international dance showcase to be experienced in Ostia Antica (IT) – one of the most poignant archaeological and ethnoanthropological legacies in the Mediterranean – which has kicked off with its preview date on May 25th and will follow up on July 25/27. More info and the detailed plan of activities and schedule of our amazing contemporary dance groups are available on the official DH website.

Keep following all the steps of the project, we are ready to dance and create new bonds with local communities!

Don’t’ forget to subscribe to DH’s official newsletter by filling out the form on website.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 we hereby inform you that your personal data are part of a specific database for the collection and management of personal data within the project Dancing Histor(y)ies (from here onwards referred to as the “Project”) whose Joint Data Controller is Associazione Enti locali per le attività culturali e di spettacolo, with headquarters in Via Pasquale Paoli n.25 – 09128 Cagliari, VAT number: 01859050922 together with the other Joint Data Controllers defined by the GDPR agreement signed within the Dancing Histor(y)ies consortium.
The Joint Data Controllers may process the personal data collected for the period necessary to fulfil the obligations established in the Partnership agreement concluded between the Joint Data Controllers and other project partners and/or in the Grant agreement concluded between the Joint Data Controllers and other project partners and the European Commission.
Interested parties can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) by sending an email to: to have a complete view of the GDPR or to exercise each of the following rights: access to their personal data; obtain a copy of the personal data; correct personal data; delete your data; limit processing; request data portability; exercise the right of objection; file a complaint.

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